Who is Danny Kioko Foundation(DKF)

The Danny Kioko Foundation (DKF) is a faith-based nonprofit organization dedicated to
improving the quality of life for underprivileged children in Kenya.

The Danny Kioko Foundation was established in the year 2020 with the founder and trustee being
Evangelist Danny Kioko, one of the most celebrated Kenyan gospel artists from Kitui County,
Kenya. DKF focuses on key areas vital to underprivileged children.

These include;

  • Basic Needs
  • Education
  • Social Wellbeing.

Underprivileged children are those who do not enjoy the same advantages or rights as most children of their age.

Most of the time, this is caused by poverty or family breakages. Underprivileged children often don’t have access to quality education, shelter,
healthy food, and medical care. This makes them vulnerable to malnutrition, diseases, and

We believe that every child should enjoy the same advantages and rights as all the children of their
age. According to UNICEF, there are about 1 billion children around the world that are
underprivileged; we exist to bridge this gap!

Danny Kioko Foundation stresses the development of strategic alliances and partnerships while
fostering community engagements and pooling adequate resources for the implementation of

Mission and Vision


To establish a world of hope with flourishing, contributing communities


To be the premier Foundation providing the infrastructure and support needed for children to grow, expand, and realize while reaching their full potential.

DKF believes that systemic and enduring change is possible when communities own and drive their own developmental agendas, work with like-minded groups to access basic rights and services as well as harness and manage their own lives.

DKF invests in enhancing organized
community-led initiatives to create a firm basis for sustainable development and social justice.


To educate, provide basic needs and mentor children as they develop into productive adults.